Curiosity rover extends period of possible life formation on Mars
Curiosity landed on Mars nearly 5 years ago, and since then it has done quite a bit of research that has interested researchers. Dr. Jens...

Economics research aims to gather 'big data' on outsourcing in local businesses
The current worldwide economic downturn has had caused some horrific problems. It can be hard to truly notice these issues as an average...

Low-level jobs lead to increased lifelong stress
We’ve all worked some less-than-desirable jobs some time in our life. It could have been the poorly managed fast food joint in the...

Zolmitriptan could be the solution to degenerative eye diseases
Degenerative diseases of the eye may soon have a more effective treatment. A study from Tufts University found a neurotransmitter drug...

You May Not Be Who You Think You Are
We’ve all taken personality tests, whether it’s a scientific test like the Myers-Briggs or a slightly less scientific test like, “Which...

How Well Do You Know Yourself?
How well do you know yourself? It’s kind of a tough question, isn’t it? Often times it’s hard to know exactly who you are, or what you...

The "Viscoelectric Effect"
The last article in this series discussed how friction between particles in the air can lead to a spontaneous explosion in places like...

How Many Psychopaths Walk Among Us?
The general view of the term ‘mental disorder’ is often refers to extremes like schizophrenia and Alzheimer's Disease, but when it comes...

How Fuel Tankers and Granaries Can Spontaneously Explode
Granaries have been blowing up seemingly at random since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Thousands of workers around the...

The Dark Triad
They call it “The Dark Triad,”— Which sounds like the new generation of bad guys in Rogue One, but it’s actually a term coined by...